YouTube Music Song Requests and Controls for Live Streaming

Allow viewers to add song requests to YouTube music via either command, or Twitch channel point redeems during live streaming. This extensions not only serves as a way to control YouTube Music Desktop App via commands, but also affords the opportunity for viewers to add songs to the broadcasters playlist to be listened to later.

How-To Set Up YouTube Music Song Requests and Controls for Live Streaming Video Tutorial

YouTube Thumbnail

Required Downloads for YouTube Music Song Requests

Download from Ko-fi

How-To Install YouTube Music Song Requests and Controls Extension

  1. Sign Into YTM Desktop App
  2. Create a New Project at
  • Enable APIs and Services
  1. Create Credentials
  • Create a Web Application
  • Redirect URIs:

  • Create Credentials and Copy down the following:
    • API Key
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
  1. Go to YouTube Music
    • Create a new playlist, I recommend you make it 'Private'
    • Copy the Playlist ID after you create it
  2. Import Code into by dragging the downloaded file into the Import String box, as depicted.

You will get 22 ACTIONS, 19 COMMANDS, and 1 TIMED ACTION

  • Ensure you click on the Commands Tab and Enable them after import!

Importing YouTube Music Song Requests and Controls into

  1. Open the YTM Desktop App and click the ⚙ Icon in the Top Right corner
    • Then press Integrations
    • Press the button to Enable Companion Server
    • Press the button to Enable Browser Communication
    • Press the button to Enable Companion Authorization

YouTube Music Desktop Settings Page

How to Initialize YouTube Music Song Requests and Controls

  • Go back to and paste the following in their respective argument:
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
    • API Key
    • Playlist ID

Editing information for YouTube Music

  • Once updated, ensure you click Save at the top of, open up your chat, and type the command !ytmSetup

During this process, you'll get a pop-up window in your web browser warning you that the application is unverified, click continue anyways and authorize the app. Once you see the screen with my face on it-close out of your browser. Additionally, YTM Desktop App will give a pop-up with an authorization code, you DON'T need to copy that one either-just close out the window.

SPECIAL NOTE: The items that add to the playlist will be played automatically, as long as that playlist is playing. If it switches over to auto-generating music and you get another request, you'll manually have to click on your playlist again in the app!

Setting up the YouTube Music Extension Auto Runner

The Auto Runner is what checks for the currently playing song and updates the song information since most of the media on YouTube Music doesn't come with that information. It saves them as global variables under ytmAlbumArt, ytmAlbumName, ytmArtist, and ytmSong.

  1. On the YTM Auto Runner Action, Right-Click on the trigger and enable it
  2. Go to the Settings Tab and then click Timed Actions and Right-Click to Enable YTM Auto Runner

YouTube Music Song Requests Available Controls

CommandControllable FeatureDescription
!ytmDislikeDislikeDislikes the currently playing song.
!ytmLikeLikeLikes the currently playing song.
!ytmMuteMuteMutes the YTM Player, but doesn't pause.
!ytmUnmuteUnmuteUnmutes the YTM Player.
!ytmPausePausePauses the YTM Player.
!ytmPlayPlayResumes playing the YTM Player.
!ytmPreviousPreviousRestarts the currently playing song.
!ytmSkipSkipSkips the currently playing song.
!ytmQueueQueueLists all the songs on the current playlist.
!ytmUpNextUp NextLists number of songs in queue and next up.
!ytmSongSongDisplays current song's Title and Artist.
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