Timeout 'X' Number of Twitch Users

This Streamer.bot extension for Twitch allows the Broadcaster (or Moderators) to add a little chaos to the chat! With easy-to-configure options, tie it to a command or channel point redeem and truly "set it and forget it"! This will automatically give VIPs and Moderators their status back when they return from Timeout.

Funny Timeout Users in Streamer.bot example

Download from Ko-fi

Setting it The Twitch Timeout Extension for Livestreaming

In Streamer.bot click the Import button in the top menu. Drag the downloaded .sb file into the Import String field and click Import. You will see 2 Actions and 1 Command.

Importing Timeout Users into Streamer.bot

This extension requires the Store Multi-Platform Present Viewers Action to work. However, it is included in the import and requires no additional set-up. If you already have that extension, you can UNCHECK it from the Import selection.

Once imported, head over to the Commands tab and type 'Timeout' into the Filter box, then Right-Click on the Timeout X Users command and click Enable.

Importing Timeout Users into Streamer.bot

Configuring the Twitch Timeout Extension

Click on the 'Timeout X Users' Action and press the + sign to expand the folder. Here you will have 3 adjustable settings.

Adjusting Twitch Timeout Settings in Streamer.bot

  1. numberUsersToTimeout: Set the number of Twitch users that you want to simultaneously timeout. (If you set a number HIGHER then what is in your currentViewers global, it will default to half of your chat)
  2. timeoutLength: Set the timeout length (in seconds).
  3. timeoutReason: Put whatever reason you'd like listed for the timeout.

Optional Adding a Twitch Channel Point Redeem

If you'd like for your chat to be able to redeem this as a channel point, you simply need to Right-Click in the Triggers box, Select Twitch -> Channel Reward -> Reward Redemption.

Adding Twitch Channel Point Redeem in Streamer.bot

Press Create Reward and you'll be greeted with the pop-up below. Feel free to call it whatever you'd like, set an appropriate reward cost, (User Input can be left unchecked), and leave a witty prompt!

Editing Twitch Channel Point Redeem in Streamer.bot

BONUS you could duplicate this Action and have different redeems for More/Less People, Longer Times, etc!

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